3.2.6 tag Rules

elfeed allows one to automatically tag new entries as they are discovered. It can therefore be convenient to group entries that come from many different feeds but share a tag or tags. That is the purpose of “tag” rules.

“tag” rules are defined by four properties:

  1. :tags: Tags

    The tags whose presence or absence will trigger this rule. They are specified as a cons cell (see cons cell in Emacs Lisp) of the form:

    (switch . tags)

    switch is either t or nil and tags is either a tag (i.e. a symbol) or a list of tags. If switch is true, this rule will apply to any entry tagged with one or more tags listed in tags. Conversely, if switch is false, the rule will apply to entries who posses none of the tags in tags.

  2. :value: Match value The amount by which an entry’s score shall be adjusted should this rule match.