3.1.1 mppopm Rating Commands

mppopm can be used to set & retrieve ratings for your music library. It can also be used to filter on the basis of rating mppopm Filter Commands.

mppopm get-rating will retrieve the current song’s rating & print it on stdout. mppopm get-rating URI will interpret “URI” as an MPD song URI & display it’s rating on stdout. mppopm get-rating URI... will do the same for multiple songs. Ratings are expressed as an integer between 0 & 255 inclusive, with the convention that a rating of zero denotes “un-rated”.

mppopm set-rating ARG will set the current song’s rating to “ARG”. “ARG” may be an integer between 0 & 255, or it may be expressed as one to five “stars”: “*” deontes one star, “**” two stars and so forth. “Stars” are mapped to numeric ratings as per Winamp:











Finally, mppopm set-rating ARG SONG will interpret “SONG” as a song URI & set that song’s rating to “ARG”.