3.2 The Configuration File

pin offers many options. The user may find it convenient to collect some of them in a configuration file (~/.pin by default) that will be read by the tool on invocation rather than specifying them every time on the command line.

The configuration file is in TOML format, and all items are optional:

  1. version File format version (zero by default).
  2. token The user’s Pinboard token.
  3. username The user’s Instapaper username.
  4. password The user’s Instapaper password
  5. targets

    Targets (see Targets) are specified in their own section “[targets]”, and each target has its own section “[targets.NAME]” (see below for an example). Each target may have one or more of the following attributes:

    1. tags A vector of Tags, encoded as strings.
    2. read_later A boolean indicating whether or not posts sent to this target should be tagged as “to be read later”.
    3. send_to_insty A boolean indicating whether links sent to this target should also be sent to Instapaper.

A complete sample configuration file:

# Instapaper username
username = "jdoe@gmail.com"
# Pinboard API token
token ="jdoe:DECADE90C0DEDDABB1ED"


tags = ["@review-tech", "tech"]
read_later = true
send_to_insty = false