2.1.2 Targets

The send sub-command offers quite a few options: marking its arguments “to be read later”, specifying tags, and sending to Instapaper or not. It is likely that the user will develop certain commonly-used combinations of these settings: one might mark tech articles to be “read later”, tag them “@review-tech” and decline to send them to Instaper, while marking long-form pieces as “read later”, tagging them “@review-long-form” and sending them to Instapaper for a more comfortable reading experience.

pin supports this through the notion of a “target”. One can, in the configuration file (See Configuration), define any number of targets:


tags = ["@review-tech"]
read_later = true
send_to_insty = false

tags = ["@review-long-form"]
read_later = true
send_to_insty = true

Then, when sending links to Pinboard, one can simply refer to a pre-defined target. Instead of saying, e.g.:

pin send --tag=@review-long-form --read-later --with-instapaper "https://foo.com | Think Piece"


pin send --target=long-form "https://foo.com | Think Piece"