2.8 Invoking scribbu popm

scribbu popm creates or updates play count and/or popularimeter frames. With no options, it increments the counter fields in every play count and/or popularimeter frame in every tag by one. With the --create-frame flag, create the relevant frames in each tag. Popularimeter frames will not be created in the absence of the --owner option. Play count & popularimeter frame creation can be inhibited via the --popularimeter-only and --playcount-only flags, respectively.

The popularimeter rating field can be set using the --rating option. Ratings can be specified explicitly as an integer between 0 & 255, or as one-to-five stars. “Stars” would most naturally be expressed as *s (asterisks), but since this will often be inconvenient in the shell, scribbu will accept almost any character, repeated one-to-five times.