2.1.3 scribbu popm

We notice that none of these files contain a PCNT or a POPM frame; let’s add them now:

$>: scribbu popm -a -o foo@bar.com -r oooo *.mp3
$>: scribbu dump *.mp3
POPM: foo@bar.com
rating: 179
counter: 00

The popm command can be used to manage both PCNT & POPM frames (see Invoking scribbu popm) The -a flag indicates that we want to create the relevant frames, if they don’t already exist. -r sets the rating for the POPM frame; you can provide an integer between 0 and 255, or use the “star” system. In this case, I’ve given all the files four stars. “****” would be more mnemonic, but inconvenient in the shell, so scribbu will recognize almost any character, repeated one to five times, as a “star”.

Having created the PCNT and/or POPM frames, one can update the play counts with a simple command; e.g.

scribbu popm opium.mp3

will increment the play count by one in any PCNT or POPM frames it finds. The operation can be scoped or modified in a number of ways, such as limiting it to only one or the other, or only to POPM frames with a certain owner– see the man page or Invoking scribbu popm for full details. The intent of the command is to enable players that don’t update the playcount or set ratings themselves, but which can be scripted or extended in some way, to do so.