I'm taking more care with a PR than lauded academics do with their data

The New Yorker has a great article up: "They Studied Dishonesty. Was Their Work a Lie?" It's a deep dive into the work of assorted social science academics such as the embattled Francesca Gino (currently suspended from Harvard Business School) and Dan Ariely (who seems curiously unscathed by all of this at Duke– ah, well, Duke has demonstrated its allegience to fashion over facts).

It's a narrow view into the replication crisis, but it's on my mind because I'm at this moment preparing a Pull Request for an open-source project and I've realized I'm taking more care with my test data than these widely-published, famous academics. My PR is nothing special, just scratching a personal itch; and yet I'm expecting to be challenged to demonstrate my work– what a thing!


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